
support express (and other libs?)

cztomsik opened this issue · 3 comments

Do you plan to support regular node libs like express? I mean I'd love to write app in node and then "compile" it to an unikernel which could be then run in a cloud.

And just maybe if you want this too, is there any way I could help you? :)

Or at least a list/wiki of things which has to be done first?

So far I think it was planned to add a Node.js compatibility layer. Until that, you can use NodeOS, that recently added a way to work as a Single Process OS.

Disclaimer: I'm lead developer of NodeOS.

rzr commented

If it helps, I made a basic/ simpler express module that could help:

It was made for IoT.js (you may consider to rebase runtimejs on iotjs) but it works on nodes too.

rzr commented

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