
Slides and code for a talk about building an effect runtime compatible with ZIO

Primary LanguageScala

Slides and code for a talk at ScalaHamburg about building an effect runtime compatible with ZIO

Play Slides

npm install -g reveal-md
reveal-md slides.md -w --css css/fullscreen.css

Run Examples

brew install bloop
brew service start bloop
sbt bloopInstall

bloop run runtime -m  com.github.runtologist.demo.DemoAdd
bloop run runtime -m  com.github.runtologist.demo.DemoDiv
bloop run runtime -m  com.github.runtologist.demo.DemoAddAll
bloop run runtime -m  com.github.runtologist.demo.DemoAddAllCoop
bloop run runtime -m  com.github.runtologist.demo.DemoAddAllFair
bloop run runtime -m  com.github.runtologist.demo.DemoDivFold