
OSC output from Runway

reborn225 opened this issue · 14 comments

Have set the address for OSC in Processing as the same in Runway. But it's not detecting OSC in Processing. Any clue?

Hey! Did you check the port?

Hey! So the default on Runway is "". I did a port scan in Network Utility (mac) but it wasn't able to detect if 57102 was available or not... Is there any way to manually change the address and port in Runway by any chance?

You can't change the ports for now. That feature will be enabled in future releases.
Which Processing code are you using?

I used the code from this runwayml / processing thread.

Side note, I tried OSCulator and OSC_data_monitor today and was not able to detect incoming OSC from Runway...

Im having same issue in touchdesigner were you able to resolve?

Hi @reborn225 and @masterofshapes, you need to first create an OSC client and then send a message with the address /server/connect to Runway's OSC server at the port displayed within the app in order to start receiving data from Runway. Here's a working example with PoseNet: Just change the variable runwayPort to the port displayed in the app. Let me know if this works!

Will try, thank you for the reply!

Processing was able to operate the example code you provided, but it still does not receive OSC messages from the port in Runway. Could I possibly visit the office and have you guys take a look on it? I live in New York as well and is a Music Tech student from Steinhardt. I want to create an audio-visual installation using PoseNet. Please let me know!


Thanks for reply I just tried this in touch designer manually and also using your touch-designer example script both didn't work am I missing something? Does example on github work for touchdesigner in version 0.66 of runway?

Hey guys - I'm having the same prob with Processing example for im2txt. I get a NullPointerException pointing to line 77. Here is the full console log from Processing:

2019-08-01 14:00:50.190 java[20802:535604] Can't open input server /Library/InputManagers/QuicKeysIM
OscP5 0.9.9 infos, comments, questions at

### [2019/8/1 14:0:51] PROCESS @ OscP5 stopped.
### [2019/8/1 14:0:51] PROCESS @ UdpClient.openSocket udp socket initialized.
### [2019/8/1 14:0:52] PROCESS @ UdpServer.start() new Unicast DatagramSocket created @ port 57200
### [2019/8/1 14:0:52] PROCESS @ UdpServer is running @ 57200
### [2019/8/1 14:0:52] INFO @ OscP5 is running. you ( are listening @ port 57200

It seems to only happen when Runway tries to send data over the connection. Like if I stop the model, launch the Processing sketch, and then start the model again, I get the NullPointerException error in Processing. I can also replicate the error if I change the port number in Processing to not match Runway and then change it back.


I just pushed a fix, can you try with the latest updates?

im2txt.pde example now working on my end!

I am having same issue as @reborn225 , did anyone managed to sort OSC messages from the port in Runway?

It seems all good but it does not show the data in println() , this is the message i get:

OscP5 0.9.9 infos, comments, questions at
[2019/8/31 17:14:51] PROCESS @ OscP5 stopped.
[2019/8/31 17:14:51] PROCESS @ UdpClient.openSocket udp socket initialized.
[2019/8/31 17:14:52] PROCESS @ UdpServer.start() new Unicast DatagramSocket created @ port 57200
[2019/8/31 17:14:52] PROCESS @ UdpServer is running @ 57200
[2019/8/31 17:14:52] INFO @ OscP5 is running. you ( are listening @ port 57200

Hope anyone who has managed to sort it out can help me with this matter.

Thanks a lot.