Sample source code for Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec (Rails 3.2.x version)
- 2
Incorrect file location on page 93
#13 opened by jkbrooks - 2
- 3
- 2
Error in 'Custom RSpec Matchers', Chapter 7
#11 opened by jemgold - 2
Incorrect link to sample application
#10 opened by alexhartley - 1
Typo on 03 Model Spec (page 15)
#8 opened by richardjortega - 1
- 4
09_speedup; contact_spec.rb 'it "deletes a contact", js: true do' fails yet deletes the record
#5 opened by kelleysislander - 1
Typo on page 13 of PDF (should run "bundle exec rspec" instead of "be rspec")
#6 opened by ruralocity - 1
Incorrect PUT request spec, PDF page 53
#1 opened by ruralocity - 3
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- 1
Invalid link to sample code: 404
#2 opened by carlosipe