
Restaurant Rating System (Low Level Design)

Primary LanguageJava

Problem Statement

Your aim is to implement a restaurant rating system. Following are the features that it should have:

  • Register: Users should be able to register to give ratings for restaurants.
  • Rate: Among the pre-populated list of restaurants, registered users can give rating between 1 to 10. If the same user gives a new rating for the same restaurant, it should be overwritten.
  • Rate with options: Along with a rating, users can add optional dish name(s) and rating description.
  • List reviews: When fetching reviews for a restaurant based on filter and order by
  • Filter: Ratings should be able to be filtered based on range of rating (eg. ratings between 4 (lower range) and 7 (higher range)). Lower range value Higher range value


  • Filter can have lower range, higher range or both
  • Order By: Order by
    • Ascending order of rating
    • Descending order of rating
  • Default should be with a higher rating first without any filter.
  • Describe: When describing a restaurant, along with the name, give the average rating it received so far.
  • List: List restaurants based on descending order of (average) rating.


  • One example present with driver class (MainDriver.java)
  • addRestaurant : "restaurant1", "restaurant2", "restaurant3"
  • addUser : "user1", "user2"
  • addRatingByUser
  • add dishReview, comments