
Test Proj

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Minio Java Library for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage Gitter

The Minio Java Client SDK provides simple APIs to access any Amazon S3 compatible object storage server.

This quickstart guide will show you how to install the client SDK and execute an example java program. For a complete list of APIs and examples, please take a look at the Java Client API Reference documentation.

This document assumes that you have one of the following Java Environments setup in place.

Download from maven


Download from gradle

dependencies {
compile 'io.minio:minio:2.0.0'

    look at my html stuff here

Download from JAR

You can download the latest JAR directly from maven.

Quick Start Example - File Uploader

This example program connects to an object storage server, makes a bucket on the server and then uploads a file to the bucket.

You need three items in order to connect to an object storage server.

MinioClient minioClient = new MinioClient("https://play.minio.io:9000", "Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F", "zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG");
Params Description
Endpoint URL to object storage service.
Access Key Access key is like user ID that uniquely identifies your account.
Secret Key Secret key is the password to your account.

We will use the Minio server running at https://play.minio.io:9000 in this example. Feel free to use this service for testing and development. Access credentials shown in this example are open to the public.

require 'redcarpet'
markdown = Redcarpet.new("Hello World!")
puts markdown.to_html


import java.io.IOException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
import io.minio.MinioClient;
import io.minio.errors.MinioException;
public class FileUploader {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException, InvalidKeyException, XmlPullParserException {
                try {
                        // Create a minioClient with the Minio Server name, Port, Access key and Secret key.
                        MinioClient minioClient = new MinioClient("https://play.minio.io:9000", "Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F", "zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG");
                        // Check if the bucket already exists.
                        boolean isExist = minioClient.bucketExists("asiatrip");
                        if(isExist) {
                                System.out.println("Bucket already exists.");
                        } else {
                                // Make a new bucket called asiatrip to hold a zip file of photos.
                        // Upload the zip file to the bucket with putObject
                        minioClient.putObject("asiatrip","asiaphotos.zip", "/tmp/asiaphotos.zip");
                        System.out.println("/tmp/asiaphotos.zip is successfully uploaded as asiaphotos.zip in asiatrip bucket.");
                } catch(MinioException e) {
                        System.out.println("Error occured: " + e);

Compile FileUploader

$ javac -cp "minio-2.0.0.jar"  FileUploader.java

Run FileUploader

$ java -cp "minio-2.0.0.jar" FileUploader.java
/tmp/asiaphotos.zip is successfully uploaded as asiaphotos.zip in asiatrip bucket.

$  mc ls play/asiatrip/
[2016-06-02 18:10:29 PDT]  82KiB asiaphotos.zip
First Header Second Header
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell

API Reference

The full API Reference is available here.

API Reference : Bucket Operations

API Reference : Object Operations

API Reference : Presigned Operations

Full Examples

Full Examples : Bucket Operations

Full Eamples : Object Operations

Full Examples : Presigned Operations

How to run these full examples?

Simply edit the example java program to include your access credentials and follow the steps below.

NOTE: minio-2.0.0-all.jar includes all the necessary dependencies to run these examples.

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
$ git clone https://github.com/minio/minio-java
$ cd minio-java
[edit examples/ListBuckets.java]
$ cd minio-java/examples; wget http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/minio/minio/2.0.0/minio-2.0.0-all.jar;
$ javac -cp 'minio-2.0.0-all.jar' ListBuckets.java
$ java -cp '.:minio-2.0.0-all.jar' ListBuckets

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