
Problem Statement:

While editing photos, we usually apply filters to edit the photos directly and get a sketch representation or a pastel paint representation of the image. In this project we design a program which discovers the working behind such existing filters and shows the intermediate steps as well before giving the sketch form and pastel paint form.


Since our project involves image processing we have used OpenCV and Adaptive Thresholding for its development. Rather than making it as a web application we are making an open source software which runs without the requirement of internet and the source code can be modified by user based on his requirements. So we first take the image as an input, and break it into smaller parts using adaptive thresholding and assign a number to each part. Then downscale the image and apply a bilateral filter to get a cartoon like effect. We convert the image to grayscale and then we apply the media blur filter in order to get a blurred effect on the photo. This will help us in making the sketch. Next step is to identify the edges in the image, which is basically used to get the sketch form of the image. Then add this to the previously modified images to get a sketch effect. We use Adaptive Threshold for to do this step. Adaptive thresholding breaks the image into small regions and assigns a number to each region. The painted image is an advanced form of the sketch image obtained. We compile the final images obtained from the previous steps to get the final output as a painted image.