
Can it forward all udp traffic to socks5 proxy?

GF-Huang opened this issue · 3 comments

as title.

It is a SOCKS5 proxy. It forwards raw packets IP (including UDP and TCP) over a pipe or tun device. I'm not sure what you are asking. It does now have support for UDP requests from SOCKS5 clients.

sorry, I means can it capture all traffic (including tcp & udp) through the network adapter and forward to my proxy ?
I want to using for proxy some programs that do not support socks5 proxy or any others proxy.

tunsocks does the exact opposite of what you want. tunsocks provides a normal socks server, but sends raw ip packets upstream. You want to capture raw IP packets and act like a normal socks server upstream. This can be accomplished with a transparent socks proxy, like redsocks: