
Chess.js bindings for BuckleScript in Reason

Primary LanguageOCaml

Chess.js bindings for Bucklescript in Reason

Disclaimer: Work in progress


My hope is that the interface file Chess.rei is sufficiently clear to serve as documentation. Let me know if that's not the case.

Examples/Tests (needs more)

For right now, you can look at Test.re for some examples/tests. I'll try to make this better in the future.


To use this repo in your project:

# create your reason project.  Here is one way (but not the only way):
bsb -init my-chess-app -theme basic-reason && cd my-chess-app

# install this package
npm install --save russelldmatt/bs-chess.js

# Add this library to the bsconfig.json `bs-dependencies` section.
# It should look something like this: "bs-dependencies": [ "bs-chess.js"],
# (you have to do this manually)

# all the normal npm stuff
npm install && npm build && npm start

# edit src/Demo.re
# All the useful stuff exported from this library will be in the
# module BsChessjs.Chess.

To get this repo working:


git clone https://github.com/russelldmatt/bs-chess.js.git bs-chess.js


yarn install
yarn build

Run with Node:

node src/Chess.bs.js

Run in Browser (Works now thanks to @chenglou!):

yarn run webpack
open index.html