
Make the output pretty

lu-zero opened this issue · 5 comments

You may use console to colorize the output and print it in tabular form (e.g. what bat does)

Hey, I would like working on this.
Is there anything I should consider before I start?

Thanks! I don't think there are any special considerations. This work will be in the av_metrics_tool module of this project, if you're looking for where to get started. (av_metrics is the library portion and av_metrics_tool is the CLI interface.)

Hey, finally I made some examples of what I think could look somehow good.

In the first one I kept a similiar layout and tried to clarify used techniques and systems.

I really liked the way the header looked and just changed the output format into a table (for this one I additionally used prettytable, which also can export the data to a csv file):

Maybe the table has a little bit too much text and is too colorful. It's also harder to get the CIEDE2000 metrics into the same table without introducing too much empty space.
For both the result text may could be better written as: Results for the comparison of *** to ***.

I would be happy about any feedback, especially concerning the colors and formatting.

I like the first picture a lot, having a table (no colors) output mode could be good to paste it on markdown documents.

Since #54 was landed, we can close this issue