
editable config file?

haug1 opened this issue · 6 comments

haug1 commented

I want to start using confy in my project, but I can't figure out how to include a manually editable configuration file?
From my understanding of the practical example in the readme, it is loading a .toml file named "app-name" out as the values. I try to include a app-name.toml in the root of my project, but it does not work.
Is it possible to do this?

Here's the output I'm getting:
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'Config read error: BadTomlData(Error { inner: ErrorInner { kind: Custom, line: Some(0), col: 0, at: Some(0), message: "missing field secret_key", key: [] } })', src/utils/

From this code:

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Config {
  pub secret_key: String,
  pub test_attr: u8,

impl ::std::default::Default for Config {
  fn default() -> Self {
    Self {
      test_attr: 0,
      secret_key: "secret".into(),

pub fn load_config() -> Config {
  confy::load("app-name").expect("Config read error")

In my project root folder app-name.toml alongside cargo.toml:

secret_key = "something"
test_attr = 123

Is this a feature request? I dont know.

haug1 commented

My bad, I wasn't specifying the full path for the file.

fn config_filename() -> &'static str {

fn config_filepath() -> String {
  let path = std::env::current_dir().expect("config_filepath() : Current dir error");
  format!("{}/{}", path.display(), config_filename())

pub fn load_config() -> Config {
  confy::load(&config_filepath()).expect("Config read error")

confy uses directory (and that should be upgraded).
But depending on your system, it should be on the common path for configuration files. See for specific infos (look for config_dir).

By the way do you think it would have been clearer if a function like the one proposed in #36 was available ?
pub fn get_configuration_file_path(name: &str) -> Result<PathBuf, ConfyError>

I will try to merge that and create a new version for the crate fo the end of the year

haug1 commented

@Zykino See my implementation. I would like it to just do that behind the scenes from the load function. If not, expose a new load that does it. I don't want to be calling a lot of small functions from the library by hand. I simply want a library does it. And it seems great so far although I'm not far into using it 👍

haug1 commented

PS.: I'm very new to Rust and just starting out. Just trying to give my impression

Which version are you using ? In 0.4 (and hopefully later) load and store should store in the standards project directories. To store at any other path use load_path and store_path instead.

So on Linux, load should create the file in ~/.config/my-config/my-config.toml

I cannot say I have a lot of experience in Rust yet either 😄.

haug1 commented

Ah, that makes a lot of sense then. I didn't even think to look in ~/.config/my-config/my-config.toml, but I must admit that is very intuitive and probably good practice. You can disregard my earlier advice then, this is probably better, just a misunderstanding on my part. Thanks for taking the time to answer anyways