
No no-std example

Nereuxofficial opened this issue · 1 comments

There is no example for an embedded microcontroller(With the closest one having some FakeSPI structs).

This is something i struggled with quite a bit during the making of this repo which showcases using it on an ESP32. Most microcontrollers have quite similar approaches to doing this so i would suggest adding this(or something similar) to the repository examples to help people who want to use it on a no-std device.

I could also make a Pull Request for this but wanted to make sure this is wanted first.

Correct, there are no microcontroller-specific examples here. I propose we don't include them because:

  • they would have to go in a separate tree because we don't want the microcontroller-specific dependencies affecting the crate itself
  • the HALs change and I don't have time to keep on top of them
  • How do you pick which microcontrollers or boards to make a demo of?

In terms of who supports using this crate, gives some clues.

Looks like rp-rs have one, stm32-rs have one, and atsamd-rs have one. Happy to see a PR to link to their examples.

One example is