
a stupid question: how to boot up the qemu.

lllssskkk opened this issue · 8 comments

i've been encountered a problem every time i run the make qemu .


i really dont think such image exists in the docker hub.

any hints guide me through?pls

What is your execution environment?
the \n that get printed look like there might be something odd.

Can you show what gets printed when you remove the @ in @$(DOCKER_QEMU) $(EXEC_QEMU) $(QEMU_RELEASE_ARGS) -kernel $(KERNEL_BIN) in Makefile.

thx for your reply. The followings are bunches of images, hope they are relevant to the question.

my system info :

my docker version:

my rust version

after deleting the at symbol. make qemu code in the makefile :

the output of running make qemu with modified makefile


just another silly question.

In an ideal situation, all we'd have to do to start the qemu is install docker and rust and run'make qemu' in each folder, right?

Is there anything else I should do before calling'make qemu'?

The emitted command line looks correct. Maybe your local docker setup is in a bad state.

Can you try docker logout once before testing again.

unfortunately, the problem remains after logging out. The output is still the same, complaining cant pull the year image

What happens when you do docker pull rustembedded/osdev-utils:2021.12 in your terminal?

I can pull the image without errors


Is there a way in Docker to build the container using an existing image rather than pulling it from the hub again?

There aren’t many options left where it goes wrong.

The print of the docker command that make generates looks good. You can pull the image when invoking docker manually.

The printing of \n indicates something with the shell in which make gets executed.
Which shell are you using?

can you execute bash once before executing make. Does that help?

it looks like to me that only my machine has this kinda of problem, i must set something wrong in my env.

As i realised i have all tools needed to build the image. I decide to manually load the image into qemu (no docker involved). Since i figure out how to load the image with qemu without help from docker, i decide to close this issue. Thx for your help, :D.