
invalid file operation error

EWYan opened this issue · 3 comments

EWYan commented

i just try to compile 01_wait_forever samples on ubuntu1604, but don't know why the following error pops out:

yan@ubuntu:~/Desktop/rust-raspberrypi-OS-tutorials/01_wait_forever$ make qemu
Makefile:120: *** Invalid file operation: < target/aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat/release/kernel.d.  Stop.

please help, thx.

Hmm interesting. Did you change anything or is every file untouched?

What is the output of make —version?

EWYan commented

Probably a make version that is too old. Can you try this as a workaround for now:

yes, make 4.1 is not works for this file operation, make 4.3 works like charm; thanks.