
While following the tutorial I get "can't find crate for `test`" while compiling for unit test execution

2ndTaleStudio opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

I'm using a custom build target for my Raspberry Pi bare metal kernel. After setting everything up and compiling the binary kernel for unit testing I get the compiler error "can't find crate for test".

Any clue what might be the root cause for this?

I'm not using cargo xbuild, but the new cross compile configuration in /.cargo/config like so:

build-std = ["core", "compiler_builtins", "alloc"]

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


specific to my tutorial, you would get this whenever rustc comes across a #[test] and not a #[test_case] as it is emitted by the macro (
I had this case while writing the tutorial and couldn't figure out whats going on. Turned out a third-party dependency that I pulled in through cargo had a macro that not only emitted code, but also a unit-test with it (it was the tock-registers). That was very hard to find.

I can't tell anything about building std with cargo, since I haven't touched that yet. Until now, just using the precompiled std for aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat is sufficient.

Closing this for now since no action on the issue.

Please reopen for follow-up questions.