
Chainload fails sometimes

sachaos opened this issue ยท 3 comments

I am trying 07_uart_chainloader.

I found a problem on minipush.rb .
It fails sometimes like below.

$ DEV_SERIAL=/dev/tty.usbserial-1420 BSP=rpi4 make chainboot

Minipush 1.0

[MP] โœ… Serial connected
[MP] ๐Ÿ”Œ Please power the target now
 __  __ _      _ _                 _
|  \/  (_)_ _ (_) |   ___  __ _ __| |
| |\/| | | ' \| | |__/ _ \/ _` / _` |
|_|  |_|_|_||_|_|____\___/\__,_\__,_|

           Raspberry Pi 4

[ML] Requesting binary

[MP] โšก Connection or protocol Error: Remove power and USB serial. Reinsert serial first, then power

This should also be fixed by #97 Minipush fixes.

please Review if you like.

@andre-richter Great! I've created the PR to fix this bug too.
But I'll close that. Thank you.

What a timing ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™ˆ