
Is there any way to distinct panic(abnormal exit) from std::process::exit(normal exit)?

StevenJiang1110 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, I wonder if there's any way to avoid default exit when encountering std::process::exit.
For example, I have fuzz target as below.

fuzz_target!(|data: &[u8]| {
    if data.len() < 3 {
        std::process::exit(0); //normal exit
    if data[3] == 0x12 {
        panic!("got it"); //abnormal crash

I want to catch only the abnormal crash but ignore th normal exit(Maybe rewriting fuzz target is a good idea, but the real function to fuzz is very complicated. will ignore the normal exit by default, but libfuzzer seems something different). I wonder if there's anyway to avoid exit fuzzer when encountering std::process::exit without rewriting fuzz target.
Thanks a lot.

alex commented

There isn't -- std::process::exit directly calls a syscall to exit the process, meaning once it happens no more Rust code is run at all (see for details).

The correct way to handle this is not to call exit() in code-under-fuzz.