
Give some changes back to Servo's highfive

nrc opened this issue · 6 comments

nrc commented

This project was originally a fork of jdm/highfive, used for Servo. I removed a few things, changed a few things, and since then we've added a lot. It would be nice if we could push some of the additions back to Servo land. Perhaps the easiest was to do that is to expand this version to cover the stuff removed or changed and then persuade them to switch (or just push everything back to jdm's original fork). I fear taking our changes and adding them to the original would be a tricky job.

cc @jdm

jdm commented

Integrating a bunch of the changes here has been on my TODO list for a while. Making the relevant github comments configurable would be useful.

@nick29581 @jdm Do we have a list of these differences feature-wise between the original project and this fork?

I can diff both repos but I figured it'd be nice to document there here and find a way to make highfive pluggable.

nrc commented

No, and there are a lot of changes

just checked the original repo. It looks like besides the custom messages, this fork has support for the features in the original repo.

nrc commented

There are at least unsafe warnings, which are currently commented out for Rust (too many false positives)

Ok, I'll tackle this issue. I'll work on making highfive more configurable and pluggable.