
Lang Item for Transmutability

jswrenn opened this issue · 2 comments

This MCP is a recommendation of the Safe Transmute Working Group. It provides a minimum, compiler-supported API surface that is capable of supporting the breadth of use-cases that involve auditing and abstracting over transmutability. This API will provide a tangible foundation for experimentation.


Add a compiler-implemented trait to core::mem for checking the soundness of bit-reinterpretation casts (e.g., mem::transmute, union, pointer casting):

#[lang = "transmutability_trait"]
pub unsafe trait BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<Src, Context, const ASSUME: Assume>
    Src: ?Sized

#[lang = "transmutability_opts"]
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Assume {
    pub alignment   : bool,
    pub lifetimes   : bool,
    pub validity    : bool,
    pub visibility  : bool,

impl Assume {
    pub const NOTHING: Self = Self {
        alignment   : false,
        lifetimes   : false,
        validity    : false,
        visibility  : false,

    pub const ALIGNMENT:  Self = Self {alignment:  true, ..Self::NOTHING};
    pub const LIFETIMES:  Self = Self {lifetimes:  true, ..Self::NOTHING};
    pub const VALIDITY:   Self = Self {validity:   true, ..Self::NOTHING};
    pub const VISIBILITY: Self = Self {visibility: true, ..Self::NOTHING};

impl const core::ops::Add for Assume {
    type Output = Self;

    fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        Self {
            alignment   : self.alignment  || rhs.alignment,
            lifetimes   : self.lifetimes  || rhs.lifetimes,
            validity    : self.validity   || rhs.validity,
            visibility  : self.visibility || rhs.visibility,

impl const core::ops::Sub for Assume {
    type Output = Self;

    fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        Self {
            alignment   : self.alignment  && !rhs.alignment,
            lifetimes   : self.lifetimes  && !rhs.lifetimes,
            validity    : self.validity   && !rhs.validity,
            visibility  : self.visibility && !rhs.visibility,

The remainder of this MCP provides supporting documentation for this design:

  • When is a bit-reinterpretation cast sound?
  • What is Assume?
  • What is Context?
    • Why is safety dependent on context?
    • How does Context ensure safety?
    • Can't Context be elided?
  • External Documents and Discussion

When is a bit-reinterpretation cast sound?

A bit-reinterpretation cast (henceforth: "transmutation") is sound if it is both well-defined and safe.

A transmutation is well-defined if any possible values of type Src are a valid instance of Dst. The compiler determines this by inspecting the layouts of Src and Dst.

In order to be safe, any safe use of the transmutation result cannot cause memory unsafety. Namely, a transmutation is generally unsafe if it allows you to:

  1. construct instances of a hidden Dst type
  2. mutate hidden fields of the Src type
  3. construct hidden fields of the Dst type

Whether these conditions are satisfied depends on the scope the transmutation occurs in. The existing mechanism of type privacy will ensure that first condition is satisfied. To enforce the second and third conditions, we introduce the Context type parameter (see below).

What is Assume?

The Assume parameter encodes the set of properties that the compiler should assume (rather than check) when determining transmutability. These checks include:

  • alignment
  • lifetimes
  • validity
  • visibility

The ability to omit particular static checks makes BikeshedIntrinsicFrom useful in scenarios where aspects of well-definedness and safety are ensured through other means (e.g., domain knowledge or runtime checks).

What is Context?

The Context parameter of BikeshedIntrinsicFrom is used to ensure that the second and third safety conditions are satisfied.

When visibility is enforced, Context must be instantiated with any private (i.e., pub(self) type. The compiler pretends that it is at the defining scope of that type, and checks that the necessary fields of Src and Dst are visible/constructible. Specifically:

  • Dst must be fully implicitly constructible (i.e., can be instantiated only using the implicit constructors of the involved types, without resorting to user-defined constructors)
  • If Dst is &mut, the fields of &mut Src which could be mutated post-transmutation must be visible

When visibility is assumed, the Context parameter is ignored.

Why is safety dependent on context?

In order to be safe, a well-defined transmutation must also not allow you to:

  1. construct instances of a hidden Dst type
  2. mutate hidden fields of the Src type
  3. construct hidden fields of the Dst type

Whether these conditions are satisfied depends on the context of the transmutation, because scope determines the visibility of fields. Consider:

mod a {
    mod npc {
        pub struct NoPublicConstructor(u32);
        impl NoPublicConstructor {
            pub(super) fn new(v: u32) -> Self {
                assert!(v % 2 == 0);
                unsafe { core::mem::transmute(v) } // okay.

            pub fn method(self) {
                if self.0 % 2 == 1 {
                    // totally unreachable, thanks to assert in `Self::new`
                    unsafe { *std::ptr::null() }

    use npc::NoPublicConstructor;

mod b {
    use super::*;

    fn new(v: u32) -> a::NoPublicConstructor {
        unsafe { core::mem::transmute(v) } // ☢️ BAD!

The function b::new is unsound, because it constructs an instance of a type without a public constructor.

How does Context ensure safety?

It's generally unsound to construct instances of types for which you do not have a constructor. If BikeshedIntrinsicFrom lacked a Context parameter; e.g.,:

// we'll also omit `ASSUME` for brevity
pub unsafe trait BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<Src>
    Src: ?Sized

...we could not use it to check the soundness of the transmutations in this example:

mod a {
    use super::*;

    mod npc {
        pub struct NoPublicConstructor(u32);
        impl NoPublicConstructor {
            pub(super) fn new(v: u32) -> Self {
                assert!(v % 2 == 0);
                assert_impl!(NoPublicConstructor: BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<u32>);
                unsafe { core::mem::transmute(v) } // okay.

            pub fn method(self) {
                if self.0 % 2 == 1 {
                    // totally unreachable, thanks to assert in `Self::new`
                    unsafe { *std::ptr::null() }

    use npc::NoPublicConstructor;

mod b {
    use super::*;

    fn new(v: u32) -> a::NoPublicConstructor {
        assert_not_impl!(NoPublicConstructor: BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<u32>);
        unsafe { core::mem::transmute(v) } // ☢️ BAD!

In module a, NoPublicConstructor must implement BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<u32>. In module b, it must not. This inconsistency is incompatible with Rust's trait system.


We resolve this inconsistency by introducing a type parameter, Context, that allows Rust to distinguish between these two contexts:

// we omit `ASSUME` for brevity
pub unsafe trait BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<Src, Context>
    Src: ?Sized

Context must be instantiated with any private (i.e., pub(self) type. To determine whether a transmutation is safe, the compiler pretends that it is at the defining scope of that type, and checks that the necessary fields of Src and Dst are visible.

For example:

mod a {
    use super::*;

    mod npc {
        pub struct NoPublicConstructor(u32);
        impl NoPublicConstructor {
            pub(super) fn new(v: u32) -> Self {
                assert!(v % 2 == 0);
                struct A; // a private type that represents this context
                assert_impl!(NoPublicConstructor: BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<u32, A>);
                unsafe { core::mem::transmute(v) } // okay.

            pub fn method(self) {
                if self.0 % 2 == 1 {
                    // totally unreachable, thanks to assert in `Self::new`
                    unsafe { *std::ptr::null() }

    use npc::NoPublicConstructor;

mod b {
    use super::*;

    fn new(v: u32) -> a::NoPublicConstructor {
        struct B; // a private type that represents this context
        assert_not_impl!(NoPublicConstructor: BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<u32, B>);
        unsafe { core::mem::transmute(v) } // ☢️ BAD!

In module a, NoPublicConstructor implements BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<u32, A>. In module b, NoPublicConstructor does not implement BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<u32, B>. There is no inconsistency.

Can't Context be elided?

Not generally. Consider a hypothetical FromZeros trait that indicates whether Self is safely initializable from a sufficiently large buffer of zero-initialized bytes:

pub mod zerocopy {
    pub unsafe trait FromZeros<const ASSUME: Assume> {
        /// Safely initialize `Self` from zeroed bytes.
        fn zeroed() -> Self;

    enum Zero {
        Zero = 0u8

    unsafe impl<Dst, const ASSUME: Assume> FromZeros<ASSUME> for Dst
        Dst: BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<[Zero; mem::MAX_OBJ_SIZE], ???, ASSUME>,
        fn zeroed() -> Self {
            unsafe { mem::transmute([Zero; size_of::<Self>]) }

The above definition leaves ambiguous (???) the context in which the constructability of Dst is checked: is it from the perspective of where this trait is defined, or where this trait is used? In this example, you probably do not intend for this trait to only be usable with Dst types that are defined in the same scope as the FromZeros trait!

An explicit Context parameter on FromZeros makes this unambiguous; the transmutability of Dst should be assessed from where the trait is used, not where it is defined:

pub unsafe trait FromZeros<Context, const ASSUME: Assume> {
    /// Safely initialize `Self` from zeroed bytes.
    fn zeroed() -> Self;

unsafe impl<Dst, Context, const ASSUME: Assume> FromZeros<Context, ASSUME> for Dst
    Dst: BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<[Zero; usize::MAX], Context, ASSUME>
    fn zeroed() -> Self {
        unsafe { mem::transmute([Zero; size_of::<Self>]) }

External Documents and Discussion

This proposal:

Prior proposal:

  • RFC2981 (superceeded by this MCP)

Mentors or Reviewers

@jackh726 and @wesleywiser have volunteered to do reviews.


The main points of the Major Change Process is as follows:

  • File an issue describing the proposal.
  • A compiler team member or contributor who is knowledgeable in the area can second by writing @rustbot second.
    • Finding a "second" suffices for internal changes. If however you are proposing a new public-facing feature, such as a -C flag, then full team check-off is required.
    • Compiler team members can initiate a check-off via @rfcbot fcp merge on either the MCP or the PR.
  • Once an MCP is seconded, the Final Comment Period begins. If no objections are raised after 10 days, the MCP is considered approved.

You can read more about Major Change Proposals on forge.


This issue is not meant to be used for technical discussion. There is a Zulip stream for that. Use this issue to leave procedural comments, such as volunteering to review, indicating that you second the proposal (or third, etc), or raising a concern that you would like to be addressed.

This issue is not meant to be used for technical discussion. There is a Zulip stream for that. Use this issue to leave procedural comments, such as volunteering to review, indicating that you second the proposal (or third, etc), or raising a concern that you would like to be addressed.

cc @rust-lang/compiler @rust-lang/compiler-contributors

@rustbot second

I would like to see this implemented experimentally so we can get some feedback on the proposed APIs and drive the safe transmute project forward.