
A bunch of useful information about Rust 2018 is gone...

wa7sa34cx opened this issue · 2 comments

There was a bunch of useful information about Rust 2018 in previous version. And I was still exploring it. Now, I can find this chapters only in Wayback Machine. It would be wise to keep the previous version under the RELEASES 🤔

This is the way people wanted it, sadly, it is by design. Thanks though!

ehuss commented

All of the content is still available at

For the most part, if you are exploring what is new or changed, the release blog posts at are also a good resource. They try to highlight the major points.

There are redirects for all the old pages to documentation that covers what used to be in the edition guide (see the list here). Most of them point to the blog posts which are a primary source of introducing new changes, but we also strive to make sure in-depth documentation lands somewhere when possible. Those might provide you pointers to where that documentation is.