
Bug report generated for a fix which breaks custom checks in proc macro

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I ran cargo +nightly fix --prepare-for 2018 --allow-dirty on a toy project, and it asked me to report the output as an issue. I assume it's because of the macro usage in rocket?

warning: failed to automatically apply fixes suggested by rustc to crate `hello_rocket`

after fixes were automatically applied the compiler reported errors within these files:

  * src/

This likely indicates a bug in either rustc or rustfix itself,
and we would appreciate a bug report! You're likely to see 
a number of compiler warnings after this message which rustfix
attempted to fix but failed. If you could open an issue at
quoting the full output of this command we'd be very appreciative!

warning: absolute paths must start with `self`, `super`, `crate`, or an external crate name in the 2018 edition
 --> src/db/models/
1 | use db::models::schema::user::dsl::*;
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use `crate`: `crate::db::models::schema::user::dsl::*`
  = note: `-W absolute-paths-not-starting-with-crate` implied by `-W rust-2018-compatibility`
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in the 2018 edition!
  = note: for more information, see issue TBD

warning: unused import: `db::models::schema::user::dsl::*`
 --> src/db/models/
1 | use db::models::schema::user::dsl::*;
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = note: #[warn(unused_imports)] on by default

warning: absolute paths must start with `self`, `super`, `crate`, or an external crate name in the 2018 edition
 --> src/forms/
7 | use fields::{EmailField, PasswordField};
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use `crate`: `crate::fields::{EmailField, PasswordField}`
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in the 2018 edition!
  = note: for more information, see issue TBD

warning: absolute paths must start with `self`, `super`, `crate`, or an external crate name in the 2018 edition
 --> src/forms/
8 | use db::models::user;
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use `crate`: `crate::db::models::user`
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in the 2018 edition!
  = note: for more information, see issue TBD

warning: unused import: `db::models::user`
 --> src/forms/
8 | use db::models::user;
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: unused import: `Form`
 --> src/fields/
2 | use rocket::request::{Form, FromFormValue};
  |                       ^^^^

warning: unused imports: `Cookie`, `Cookies`
 --> src/fields/
3 | use rocket::http::{Cookie,Cookies, RawStr};
  |                    ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^

warning: absolute paths must start with `self`, `super`, `crate`, or an external crate name in the 2018 edition
 --> src/
6 | use forms::login::LoginForm;
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use `crate`: `crate::forms::login::LoginForm`
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in the 2018 edition!
  = note: for more information, see issue TBD

warning: unused imports: `Cookie`, `RawStr`
 --> src/
3 | use rocket::http::{Cookie,Cookies, RawStr};
  |                    ^^^^^^          ^^^^^^

warning: absolute paths must start with `self`, `super`, `crate`, or an external crate name in the 2018 edition
 --> src/
6 | use forms::login;
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use `crate`: `crate::forms::login`
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in the 2018 edition!
  = note: for more information, see issue TBD

warning: unused variable: `login_form`
  --> src/
11 | pub fn login<'r>(mut cookies: Cookies, login_form: Form<'r, LoginForm<'r>>) -> Redirect {
   |                                        ^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using `_login_form` instead
   = note: #[warn(unused_variables)] on by default

warning: unused variable: `cookie`
  --> src/
10 |     let cookie = cookies.get_private("user_id").unwrap();
   |         ^^^^^^ help: consider using `_cookie` instead

warning: unused variable: `v`
  --> src/fields/
26 |     fn from_form_value(v: &'v RawStr) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
   |                        ^ help: consider using `_v` instead

warning: struct is never used: `User`
 --> src/db/models/
4 | pub struct User {
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = note: #[warn(dead_code)] on by default

warning: method is never used: `conn`
  --> src/db/
29 |     pub fn conn(&self) -> &SqliteConnection {
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2m 36s

Thanks for the report! The issue here is with these two lines. The compiler suggests renaming the unused login_form variable to _login_form which then causes rocket's macros to generate an error here because it no longer matches the data="..." field.

Unfortunately I'm not sure what to do about this. Ideally we wouldn't classify this as our own bug in rustfix/rustc but would instead leave the warning as-is.

No, this is definitely a rustfix bug, --prepare-for-2018 should only be applying edition lint fixes and not other suggestions

@Manishearth can you open a dedicated bug for that?

Ok, I'm gonna close this in favor of #129