
Clippy integration is undocumented

kornelski opened this issue ยท 8 comments

Clippy is mentioned in the README, but the README contains no information on how to use cargo-fix and clippy together.

cargo fix --help does not contain information about Clippy integration either.

In the Clippy's README and help there is nothing about rustfix either.

I think right now the focus is for this to be used for editions, and post-edition worry about clippy (the integration then will be different too, since clippy is changing a bunch)

estk commented

@Manishearth, totally understandable. However it isn't clear if this works with Clippy or not. At the least it would be helpful to know that it does not. I'd be happy to update the docs if you could provide an outline here of what the status is.

It does work with clippy, it's just not polished right now. It's a complicated answer -- you can get it to work with clippy, but it won't work well, and it's not how it will eventually work.

How do you try it with clippy?

there's a clippy integration? Neat! How do I try it?

You're not supposed to use it yet. We're working on properly exposing it, it's a part of rust-lang/rust-clippy#3837

Alrighty ๐Ÿ˜„ thanks a lot for the lightning fast response! Is there anything I can do to help?

Not at the moment, this is mostly blocked on review from cargo.