
Stress test rustfix

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Can we fix 10k suggestions in a reasonable time?

So, I wrote killercup@9565a44 and ran it with env RUST_LOG=cargo_fix=trace cargo test --release -- fix_perf --nocapture.

   Compiling cargo-fix v0.2.0 (file:///Users/pascal/Projekte/rustfix/cargo-fix)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 7.00 secs
     Running /Users/pascal/Projekte/rustfix/target/release/deps/all-e0c9c7f0d97e176d

running 1 test

running "cargo-fix" "fix"
dur: 9.532ms
exit: exit code: 0
stderr ---
DEBUG 2018-05-07T10:53:29Z: cargo_fix: invoking cargo-fix as cargo subcommand
    Checking foo v0.1.0 (file:///Users/pascal/Projekte/rustfix/target/generated-tests/test0)
DEBUG 2018-05-07T10:53:29Z: cargo_fix: invoking cargo-fix as rustc wrapper
TRACE 2018-05-07T10:53:29Z: cargo_fix: cargo-fix as rustc got file Some("src/")
TRACE 2018-05-07T10:53:29Z: cargo_fix: start rustfixing "src/"
TRACE 2018-05-07T10:53:38Z: cargo_fix: got 198308842 bytes of output from rustc, will now collect suggestions
DEBUG 2018-05-07T10:53:38Z: cargo_fix: collected 1000 suggestions for `src/`
DEBUG 2018-05-07T10:53:38Z: cargo_fix: applying 1000 fixes to src/
      Fixing src/ (1000 fixes)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 9.49 secs

fix_10k_warnings took Duration { secs: 9, nanos: 532221569 }
test perf::fix_perf ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 17 filtered out

(ignore the "fix_10k_warnings" name -- fixing 10k warnings took too long)


  • rustc takes about 9 seconds to compile 1000 single-line functions
    • it generates 200MB of JSON output!
  • it takes rustfix basically no time to replace this

Nice! I'd also be surprised if rustfix was the slow part of anything in the pipeline here, but rather executing rustc three times per crate is probably the slow part...

Yeah, actual rustfixing should be fast, but I was surprised that buffering the compiler's output could actually have a perf impact (we could in theory switch to a buffered reader). A 200MB string is probably at the very extreme end of the potential spectrum of real-life rustfix usage.

I'm going to close since I don't think we've had too much of an issue with performance.