
Unable to install from the source code in version 6.x

Platohykj opened this issue · 3 comments

Clone the source code down at version 5.x and it works fine, and when I upgrade to version 6.x, the output is as follows

Error: You are trying to run Rustlings using the old method before version 6.
The new method doesn't include cloning the Rustlings' repository.
Please follow the instructions in ``:
gitpod /workspace/rustlings (main) $ rustlings -V
rustlings 6.2.0````

As the output tells you, please follow the new instructions in the README. This means that you should run the following commands:

cargo install rustlings
rustlings init
cd rustlings

If you still need any help, feel free to comment :)

@mo8it I did this, following the README, but I'm still have the same problem.

I'm using the latest version 1.80.1

Error: You are trying to run Rustlings using the old method before version 6.
The new method doesn't include cloning the Rustlings' repository.
Please follow the instructions in ``:

@RodrigoGrz Remove the whole rustlings/ directory.

Now, run rustlings init. This command will create a new rustlings/ directory.

Then, use cd rustlings to go into the new directory.

Finally, run rustlings in that new directory.