
Reach out to people with vested interest in Rust binary size, ask if they'd like to join the WG

Opened this issue · 10 comments

We should reach out to some stake-holders and ask if they're interested in joining wg-binary-size.

A complete list here is hard to come up with, but the authors of were mentioned in the meeting on 2023-11-30 around

Also, if anybody sees this and thinks "Hey, I have a vested interest, I'd like to join", DM me (Thom Chiovoloni) on Zulip (

cc @johnthagen, the author of min-sized-rust: any interest in participating in this WG?

I think I was able to locate some of the authors on GitHub.

@hudson-ayers, @phil-levis, or @jrvanwhy: do any of you have interest in the binary size working group? If you can tag any other authors that would also be great. Feel free to reach out here or on Zulip (linked above)

For the curious, joining the WG is mostly a matter of participating in meetings (every other week at UTC 21:00 every second Thursday), on zulip and github discussions, and nominating things to discuss in the meetings.

Obviously, if you can actually work on contributing improvements to Rust's binary size, or on size measurement tools, that'd be great too, but it's not required.

Eventually we might have triage the way wg-compiler-perf does, but it's a ways off and people not interested in that wouldn't have to do it.

It is not a particularly exclusive working group.

Yup, that's us!

@hudson-ayers is the greatest expert here; the paper was part of his dissertation work and he knows all the details. I was just the faculty advisor. @jrvanwhy is very familiar with many of the issues. I know of some people in the Ti50 team (the platform Hudson focused on in his evaluation) who might be interested, should I reach out to them?

@hudson-ayers is the greatest expert here; the paper was part of his dissertation work and he knows all the details. I was just the faculty advisor. @jrvanwhy is very familiar with many of the issues. I know of some people in the Ti50 team (the platform Hudson focused on in his evaluation) who might be interested, should I reach out to them?

I have already reached out to Ti50 :-)

This is exciting!

To help out in the short term, I've added a link from min-sized-rust to get more exposure for this working group:

@thomcc I would be happy to join and attend the weekly meetings. I may not have a ton of time for contributing code in the short-term, but would like to stay up-to-date on what work is being done and would be happy to share any knowledge I do have

I'm also interested in Rust anti-bloat for embedded case (as @hudson-ayers, @phil-levis, and @jrvanwhy can confirm :)).

I would also be happy to attend working group meetings.