
Using nostrconnect URI does work after the first time

sommerfelddev opened this issue · 2 comments

After using the fix of #490 with the same example in

let signer = Nip46Signer::new(uri, app_keys, Duration::from_secs(60), None).await?; */

it seems work at first. But if I cache the generated URI and app key in a json file and on a second run, read the URI from the file, parse it and use it as a Nip46Signer, it times out in the same line as the original issue.

Amber does not show anything in the logs.

I think you have to cache the bunker URI and use that for next connections. You can get it after signer initialization:

First connection with nostrconnect://

let uri = NostrConnectURI::parse("nostrconnect://...")?;
let signer = Nip46Signer::new(uri, app_keys, Duration::from_secs(60), None).await?;

// Check if uri is "bunker"
let uri: NostrConnectURI = if uri.is_bunker() {
} else {
// Cache bunker URI ...

// ...

Next connections:

// Get bunker URI from cache
// ...

let uri = NostrConnectURI::parse("bunker://...")?;
let signer = Nip46Signer::new(uri, app_keys, Duration::from_secs(60), None).await?;

// ...

Yeah, dummy me. This part of the spec is not so intuitive tbh. Thanks!