
README lists "target" as a valid option for bootloader package but it is not supported by bootimage

robert-w-gries opened this issue · 1 comments

The README lists as a valid option.

    name = "bootloader"             # The bootloader crate name
    version = ""                    # The bootloader version that should be used
    git = ""                        # Use the bootloader from this git repository
    branch = ""                     # The git branch to use (defaults to master)
    path = ""                       # Use the bootloader from this local path
    precompiled = false             # Whether the bootloader crate is precompiled
    target = "x86_64-bootloader"    # Target triple for compiling the bootloader


Using the option causes an error.

$ bootimage build --target x86_64-rxinu
Error: Config("unexpected `package.metadata.bootimage.bootloader` key `target` with value `\"x86_64-bootloader\"`")

Root Cause

target is not included as a valid key here:

Thanks for reporting! Fixed in e483218. I also released version 0.2.4 to