
Synology Doc is Out of Date & Needs More Clarity

iFixRobots opened this issue ยท 9 comments

Setting Execution Command to hbbr -m demo is no longer a valid argument.

Fails with error in logs that -m is not a valid option.

Additional Notes:
Under the steps to check logs, what do you need to check for? What is a successful installation looking like? Can you provide clear examples of this?

What is the default port for RustDesk on Synology? Is it the same as other installs, I assume so, but this needs to be more clear.

I just followed all steps provided (although I had to remove -m demo from hbbr and just left it as hbbr, and nothing seems to be working for IP:21116.

Yes, forget to remove -m totally from all pic.

Could you help modify?

I assume so

I assume so also, it works on my Synogy, but I have limited knowledge of Synogy.

I'll work on this today. Are you using your public IP for the -r (relay) command on hbbs?

Also, I really would like to know what to look for in the log in order to determine a successful install.

Yes, I did. :)

Yes, I did. :)

Thanks, :)

Are you supposed to see a web interface when you go to IP:21116? Or no?

