
linux: pulseaudio dependency -- make satisfied with pipewire-pulse?

republicus opened this issue · 3 comments

I've installed rustdesk on Pop OS. It required manual installation ignoring failed dependencies because it uses pipewire-pulse and pulseaudio is not supported.

rustdesk runs well with pipwire-pulse to include, obviously, audio.

apt complains on initial install and thinks dependencies are broken after manual install where rustdesk is running fine.

is pipewire-pulse commonly available on the other distros?

The answer may be a little more complicated than just saying yes. If I understand correctly, in short:

  1. Yes other distro's support pipewire using pulseaudio
  2. with a little configuration pipewire can be configured for ALSA, pulse, etc (manual config where pipewire is available but no pipewire-pulse package [on Debian 11])
  3. The package pipewire-pulse makes the necessary configuration changes to make pipewire use pulseaudio but may be an Ubuntu or Pop specific package (for now)

It looks like pipewire may be the new multimedia standard going forward.

I think we will see the case where pipewire-pulse is included to accompany pipewire as newly released distros depreciate pulseaudio
