
IOS document error

xhzth70911 opened this issue · 1 comments
Compiling iOS on a Macos System

According to this document, when I change three macos and xcode in different environments and execute the following command, I will report an error .
VCPKG_ ROOT=$HOME/vcpkg ./flutter/ios_

The macos version can be built and run normally according to the document.

You can try to install only trust, flutter, and xcode on a new mac os computer without installing android studio, Compile according to your document.

Add iOS running environment

rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios x86_64-apple-ios
cargo install cargo-lipo

IOS construction problems,rustdesk/rustdesk#1822

If you can't compile successfully, would you please provide a detailed iOS integration document? Thank you

Have you successfully compiled the iOS client? Any experience to share would be appreciated。