
Feature: Able to set startDuration & endDuration for active waveform?

hishamsyed0 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, i need to show active waveform between two durations, it will be a helpful feature!
Thanks for the great library.

So you want to set a start and end point for active waveforms?

@rutvik110 Yes! And, in addition to this feature, it would be nice to have a way to define a start and end point for the waveform. This would be useful in a clipping functionality, for example.

Thank you!

The output would look like this:

One waveform highlighted, other ofuscated

Currently, we need to make use of a Stack and a CustomClipper<Rect> to render two waveforms on top of each other:

Stack(children: [
    child: CurvedPolygonWaveform(
      height: constraints.maxHeight,
      width: constraints.maxWidth,
      style: PaintingStyle.fill,
      inactiveColor: theme.colorScheme.primaryContainer.withOpacity(0.5),
    child: ClipRect(
      clipper: RectClipper(
        initialPositionFactor: start.inMilliseconds / duration.inMilliseconds,
        endPositionFactor: end.inMilliseconds / duration.inMilliseconds,
      child: CurvedPolygonWaveform(
        height: constraints.maxHeight,
        width: constraints.maxWidth,
        style: PaintingStyle.fill,
        inactiveColor: theme.colorScheme.primary,

class RectClipper extends CustomClipper<Rect> {
  final double initialPositionFactor;
  final double endPositionFactor;

  const RectClipper({
    required this.initialPositionFactor,
    required this.endPositionFactor,

  Rect getClip(Size size) {
    return Rect.fromLTRB(
      size.width * initialPositionFactor,
      size.width * endPositionFactor,

  bool shouldReclip(RectClipper oldClipper) =>
      oldClipper.endPositionFactor != endPositionFactor ||
      oldClipper.initialPositionFactor != initialPositionFactor;