
A PHP library to read and write feeds in the RSS or Atom format

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT



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feed-io is a PHP library built to consume and serve RSS / Atom feeds. It features:

  • Atom / RSS read and write support
  • a Command line interface to read feeds
  • HTTP Headers support when reading feeds in order to save network traffic
  • Detection of the format (RSS / Atom) when reading feeds
  • Enclosure support to handle external medias like audio content
  • PSR compliant logging
  • Content filtering to fetch only the newest items
  • Malformed feeds auto correction
  • DateTime detection and conversion
  • A generic HTTP ClientInterface
  • Guzzle Client integration

Keep informed about new releases and incoming features : http://debril.org/category/feed-io

# Installation

Use Composer to add feed-io into your project's requirements :

    composer require debril/feed-io


feed-io requires :

  • php 5.6+
  • psr/log 1.0
  • guzzlehttp/guzzle 6.2+

it suggests :

  • monolog/monolog 1.10+

Monolog is not the only library suitable to handle feed-io's logs, you can use any PSR/Log compliant library instead.

Fetching the repository

Do this if you want to contribute (and you're welcome to do so):

    git clone https://github.com/alexdebril/feed-io.git

    cd feed-io/

    composer install

# Unit Testing

You can run the unit test suites using the following command in the library's source directory:

    make test



Let's suppose you installed feed-io using Composer, you can use its command line client to read feeds from your terminal :

./vendor/bin/feedio read http://php.net/feed.atom

You can specify the number of items you want to read using the --count option. The instruction below will display the latest item :

./vendor/bin/feedio read -c 1 http://php.net/feed.atom


feed-io is designed to read feeds across the internet and to publish your own. Its main class is FeedIo :

// create a simple FeedIo instance
$feedIo = \FeedIo\Factory::create()->getFeedIo();

// read a feed
$result = $feedIo->read($url);

// or read a feed since a certain date
$result = $feedIo->readSince($url, new \DateTime('-7 days'));

// get title
$feedTitle = $result->getFeed()->getTitle();

// iterate through items
foreach( $result->getFeed() as $item ) {
    echo $item->getTitle();

formatting an object into a XML stream

// build the feed
$feed = new FeedIo\Feed;

// convert it into Atom
$dom = $feedIo->toAtom($feed);

// or ...
$dom = $feedIo->format($feed, 'atom');

building a feed including medias

// build the feed
$feed = new FeedIo\Feed;

$item = $feed->newItem();

// build the media
$media = new \FeedIo\Feed\Item\Media

// add it to the item


activate logging

feed-io natively supports PSR-3 logging, you can activate it by choosing a 'builder' in the factory :

$feedIo = \FeedIo\Factory::create(['builder' => 'monolog'])->getFeedIo();

feed-io only provides a builder to create Monolog\Logger instances. You can write your own, as long as the Builder implements BuilderInterface.

Building a FeedIo instance without the factory

To create a new FeedIo instance you only need to inject two dependencies :

  • an HTTP Client implementing FeedIo\Adapter\ClientInterface. It can be wrapper for an external library like FeedIo\Adapter\Guzzle\Client
  • a PSR-3 logger implementing Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
// first dependency : the HTTP client
// here we use Guzzle as a dependency for the client
$guzzle = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
// Guzzle is wrapped in this adapter which is a FeedIo\Adapter\ClientInterface  implementation
$client = new FeedIo\Adapter\Guzzle\Client($guzzle);

// second dependency : a PSR-3 logger
$logger = new Psr\Log\NullLogger();

// now create FeedIo's instance
$feedIo = new FeedIo\FeedIo($client, $logger);