
cant install, last code mypyc unknown command

Closed this issue · 3 comments

it gets through the installation process to the last part line before the reboot command.

Compile some Python modules to reduce lag.

We do this at the end, as the project is already usable without this step.

cd /home/pi/bthidhub/

"mypyc unnown command"

never got it running, waited about 1 hour in. bullseye and bookworm lite image. same error and cant connect via web interface

It's in the requirements file, so something must have failed to install it earlier?

i currently trying to install it. i manually installed mypy and pip. now starting

git clone
cd /home/pi/bthidhub/install/on_rpi
bash ./

hope it works.

finally it worked. mypy may be got renamed or isnt up to date on the repo. manually installing it worked.