
Compiled with errors and the sign in button is disabled.

ruwikmann opened this issue · 4 comments

It shows this error for a second before compiling:

Error: Use of 'getAuthResponseToken' requires location which is unavailable on the '[object global]' object within the currently executing environment.
▶ 5 stack frames were collapsed.
5 | import "../styles/index.scss"
6 |
7 | const appConfig = new AppConfig(['store_write'])

8 | const blockstack = ReactBlockstack({appConfig})
9 |
10 | const Index = () => {
11 | const { signIn } = useBlockstack()

After compiling - sign in button disabled - it shows this when inspected:

Warning: Extra attributes from the server: disabled.
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING
GET http://localhost:3000/_next/webpack-hmr?page=/ net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

It also shows this in the terminal:

Warning: useLayoutEffect does nothing on the server, because its effect cannot be encoded into the server renderer's output format. This will lead to a mismatch between the initial, non-hydrated UI and the intended UI. To avoid this, useLayoutEffect should only be used in components that render exclusively on the client. See for common fixes.
in Index (at _app.js:15)
in Fragment
in MyApp
in Unknown
in Context.Provider
in Context.Provider
in Context.Provider
in AppContainer

I have no idea how to debug.

The authentication logic (HOC version) in Banter is placed in _app.js.

I was previously experimenting with 'react-blockstack' by also placing it there, just the Context version as _app.js is best designed as a class component. I did not manage to resolve it.

Here are a few relevant posts that could give you an idea about how to make it work:
can _app.js be functional
how to set initial state in _app.js
how to use this.context in _app.js
potential solution with hooks

Sorry for the long post. It seems like I've researched everything on the web but still not getting anywhere.

The failure seems to happen when the page renders on the server, rather than in the browser. It could be that react hooks conflicts with NextJs server side rendering?

No issue with hooks and server-side-rendering per se - only the aforementioned _app.js needs to be a class component. Here is a fantastic article describing refactoring a whole Next.js app from HOC to hooks. I need some practice with more simple components to get the gist of it, though.

I suggest you replace useBlockstack() with useState() for now and get back to use react-blockstack when you have server-side rendering working with react hooks.

Ok, I'll give it a shot. Thanks.