
A website that allows zookeepers to add and track animals and coworkers at their zoo.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Zookeepr is a website that zoo personnel may use to catalog their animals and zookeepers.

User Story

As an employee at a zoo, I want a place where I can enter the animals at the zoo as well as the zookeepers on staff. This catalog must allow me to also tack certain data elements for each group.

Acceptance Criteria

When the user enters the site, they can enter an animal's name and species, as well as their diet. The user can also multi-select personality traits from a list before adding them to the animal list. The user can also enter a zookeeper's name, age, and free text enter a favorite animal.

From the homepage, the user is also presented with a way to view all animals and zookeepers at the zoo. The user can filter these results based on the criteria entered.

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