
produces invalid JSON

borisovg opened this issue · 5 comments

Logger will produce invalid JSON if the object includes keys with undefined value.


var bole = require('bole');
var log = bole('TEST');

  level: 'info',
  stream: process.stdout

log.info({ foo: undefined }, 'Test Message');

Errror (output line will include "foo":undefined)

$ node index.js | jq .
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 137

Not sure if you have looked into this however if you debug it the line here.


You can view the undefined value and that is obviously not valid json in this case. Not sure what the maintainers would want here could try a JSON parse of the value and if it fails could come up with something to inform the user, regex would also work.

If the maintainers think this is something worth fixing i can submit a pr with some tests if it seems like something that should be included.

rvagg commented

@ckross01 a PR would be great! I guess we can just skip entries with undefined entirely.

Sorry for the delayed reponse @borisovg, this got lost in the firehose for me.

@rvagg no worries I managed ;)

rvagg commented

haha, nice! glad I could be inspiration for a new work .. even if it was through dysfunction

rvagg commented

fixed in 81a9cb2 ... finally