
Add support for config file in $HOME/.config

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Currently, you have to store the config file somewhere in /etc, which is non-ideal, because:

  • it's a restricted directory
  • it's a system-wide configuration place
  • it doesn't play well with dotfiles managers like chezmoi

It'd be much more convenient if keyd could have a config file somewhere within $HOME.

nsbgn commented

This is intentional --- keyd requires system-level access by nature. Even if you did put it in $HOME (which you can do by linking), it would need to be an access-restricted file. See #45.

For dotfile management, you could make a hook that asks for root access to copy your config to /etc?

That said, it has been mentioned that some sort of per-user config is not off the table; see #692.

Got it, thanks!