
Vim syntax file for SPARQL

Primary LanguageVim scriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This is an fork of a script originally uploaded to http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1755. It has been significantly upgraded to support SPARQL 1.1



The following features are not yet implemented:

  • Highlighting SPARQL 1.1 Prefixed Names
  • Highlighting blank nodes
  • Highlighting data type and language specifiers
  • Highlighting invalid literal forms as warnings


Either copy all the sub-folders to your ~/.vim directory manually or you can run the provided install.sh script to do this for you:

> ./install.sh
syntax/sparql.vim -> /Users/rvesse/.vim/syntax/sparql.vim
ftdetect/sparql.vim -> /Users/rvesse/.vim/ftdetect/sparql.vim
Vim SPARQL plugin installed


The plugin requires Vim 6 or higher.

Optional Dependencies

The plugin can use the following plugins if they are installed and enabled:

  • Rainbow Parenthesis - In order of preference:
    1. Rainbow Improved
      • Currently there is a bug which may break this plugin, see pull request I've submitted which fixes it.
    2. Rainbow Parenthsis
      • No folding support is available when using this plugin


The SPARQL Vim Plugin is in the public domain under the Unlicense, see the LICENSE file in this repository


Original script by Jeroen Pulles, 2007-01-07

Filetype detection added by Omer Jakobinsky in his fork at https://github.com/Omer/vim-sparql

Prefix.cc expansion based on macro by Dave Challis from https://blog.soton.ac.uk/webteam/2011/04/11/a-vim-one-liner-for-expanding-rdf-namespace-prefixes/

SPARQL 1.1, folding and rainbow parenthesis support added by Rob Vesse