
no rvm group created

maysam opened this issue · 7 comments

I noticed that the installer didn't create an rvm group , is that a problem?

What is the output of groups command?

Make sure you've restarted your machine.

And please, output of cut -d: -f1 /etc/group | sort

actually rvm is in this list

but when I run 'groups' command it doesnt list rvm

when I run
rvm install 2.3.7

i get an error

Warning: Failed to create the file ruby-2.3.7.tar.bz2.part: Permission denied

so I need to do
rvmsudo rvm install 2.3.7

is this normal?

Had you restarted your machine?

And rvmsudo is not required to install a ruby or create gemset.

you are correct again, I had to restart