
Can you add examples of DXFrw writing lineType and layers and blocks

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Hi , rvt
When I export DXF with line linetypes and layers and open it with autoCAD, I encounter the following prompts: ENTITIES region is not allowed to be non-entity LTYPE. Reading LAYER (starting from line 1618) encounter the following errors:Class AcDbSymbolTableRecord requires class delimiters.
Can you add examples of DXFrw writing lineType and layers and blocks

Now I have mastered the writing of layers, but I am not good at writing linetype. DXF did not make any mistakes, but I did not get the desired effect. I want to make a custom dash linetype, ltype.length=8.7; std: : vector < double > lpath: {5.2, 3.5} ;ltype. Path = lpath; Why not? I don't know how to define the path value. Do you have any good Suggestions for me?

I got it,a minus value refers to space,between two minus value ,there is a dot.