
rsw-watch can't exit

HomyeeKing opened this issue · 10 comments

rsw still watch the project even have exited(ctrl + c) the program

should listen exit event, then exit watch mode.

lencx commented

I can't reproduce the problem for now, can you record a video?

just do the save action in edit panel
lencx commented

Try ctrl + z?

what does this mean? it doesn't work, most of using ctrl + c/d to interrupt the program

lencx commented

I can't locate your problem for now, if possible, you can pull the source code and debug it yourself. No other users have reported similar issues so far.

OK, I am a new Rustaceans and learning the rust docs recently, maybe send a PR later

this issue can be reproduced by run rsw watch & vite, rsw watch is fine but running concurrently at background, can't be exited

could you please add the CONTRIBUTE guide, I have no idea how to debug the local build binary. Does it need an example directory? @lencx

lencx commented

Sorry, I'm currently busy with other things and don't have time to write the contributor guidelines. It is recommended that you refer to the rust command line development documentation.

it does because the rsw-watch run in background and can't receive the ctrl_c signal, I recommend that use concurrently instead of & in vite-plugin-rsw docs