
Everything goes digital these days, and so does money. Today, most people have credit cards, which save us time, energy and nerves. From not having to carry a wallet full of cash to consumer protection, cards make our lives easier in many ways. In this project, I develop a simple banking system with database.

Let's take a look at the anatomy of a credit card: Card

This project objectives:

  • Create a simple system to simulate simple function of banking system.
  • Create a database to verify all process and transaction
  • Use Luhn Alogrithm to verify credit cards.

Create a simple menu to navigate, it will have these options below:

  1. Create an account
  2. Log into account

If you choose 1, it will create a new bank account to the database (Luhn Algorithm will verify) If choose 2, it will check for your card in database then navigate to a menu with more options

  1. Balance
  2. Add income
  3. Do transfer
  4. Close account
  5. Log out
  6. Exit


  • If the user tries to transfer more money than he/she has, output: Not enough money!
  • If the user tries to transfer money to the same account, output the following message: You can't transfer money to the same account!
  • If the receiver's card number doesn’t pass the Luhn algorithm, you should output: Probably you made a mistake in the card number. Please try again!
  • If the receiver's card number doesn’t exist, you should output: Such a card does not exist.
  • If there is no error, ask the user how much money they want to transfer and make the transaction.