
Upgrade `@sinclair/typebox` to avoid TS error in 4.5+

Closed this issue · 2 comments

node_modules/@rweich/streamdeck-events/node_modules/@sinclair/typebox/typebox.d.ts:224:104 - error TS2589: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite.

sinclairzx81/typebox#119 (comment)

There are two different versions of typebox in the package tree, one should be new enough to avoid and one isn't:

> npm ls @sinclair/typebox
`-- @rweich/streamdeck-ts@4.0.0
  +-- @rweich/streamdeck-events@3.1.0
  | `-- @sinclair/typebox@0.17.8
  `-- @sinclair/typebox@0.23.4

hey there,

thanks for reporting!
I can't reproduce this error. Where/how do you get this?

updated typebox in rweich/streamdeck-events#24

should be fixed - but i can't validate