
An evolution simulation inspired by Biogenesis on Sourceforge.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This a GPU-based evolution simulation, inspired by Biogenesis on Sourceforge.

I am organizing the proof of concept code into Jupyter notebooks, and adding unit and performance tests as I refine the evolution dynamics I am seeking to create.

Please inquire if you would like to contribute in any way.

:oxygen expulsion from plants :incorporating smoothed land maps and using height-based photosynthesis effectiveness :oxygen drift that is aware of carbon dioxide density :only allowing plants to grow when touching water :reproduction via seeds or some other method, with tweaked growth tendencies and parameters based on that :segment maintenance cost implemented for plants :lifespan potentially? :at death, disappear or decompose? :better displays of plant data :charts of world stats over its lifetime for seeing when I've found sensible parameters :automated builds that run performance / parameter tests on a server?

:seed cost gives the spawned plants more energy! :so essentially each seed gets donated a certain amount of energy from parent plant :seed attraction factors could be subject to mutation :extra energy is funneled into growth until a certain age, then extra energy gets put into seeds/reproduction! :this age is subject to mutation also :make creatures/plants into dictionaries that actually make sense. the segments can still be an np array for performance.