
Terminal commands

bfmatei opened this issue · 5 comments


I am working on a Reycast extension that makes use of the Rectangle Pro commands and i found a couple of issues and mismatches:

Not specified and working (I can open a PR to add those to the README file):
center-two-thirds, fill-bottom-left, fill-bottom-right, fill-top-left, fill-top-right, last, next-space, nudge-left, nudge-right, nudge-up, nudge-down, prev-space, snap-bottom-left, snap-bottom-right, snap-top-left, snap-top-right, upper-center.

Specified and not working:
app-collate-left, app-collate-right, reverse-all, specified, toggle-all, win-down, win-left, win-mod, win-right, win-up.

Not specified but expected to work (maybe there are other alternatives?):
next-display-centered, previous-display-centered, snap-left, snap-right, snap-up, snap-down, stash-left, stash-right, stash-up, stash, unstash, stash-all, stash-all-except-one, cycle-all-stashed, toggle-all-stashed, unstash-all.

Can you help with figuring these out?


Sorry for the delayed response, but thank you for thoroughly going through the list. In my next Rectangle Pro sprint, I will go back through this list and make sure everything is accurate.

Hey! Thank you for looking into this.

I know this ain't the place to ask for this but... is there a way to get the Pro icons in SVG format? I can use Asset Tracker and just extract the PNGs but it would be awesome to get them in a vector format.


Ok, finally back on Rectangle Pro for a bit. I actually don't have SVGs for the icons, unfortunately. I used Pixelmator Pro to create all of the icons, and I have a task for updating all of the icons and will automate exporting the SVGs at that time.

I added the not specified and working to the list (thanks!).

Specified & not working: I removed some of those that shouldn't have been added, I didn't see toggle-all, and am looking into why the win ones didn't work.

Not specified but expected to work:

snap-left, etc is move-left, etc

I added these ones:


Thank you for looking into this! I tested some of the changes and I confirm they work fine, but I ran into these:

  • not working: fullscreen, tile-2x2, tile-2x3, close, hide-app, minimize, quit-app
  • tidy is not mentioned but it should work?

LE: Just to give you an idea, this is what I am currently working on: https://github.com/bfmatei/rectangle-pro-raycast ^^