
Please publish json.lua on LuaRocks

jirutka opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Please publish json.lua on LuaRocks, the de facto standard Lua packages repository. This issue has been already raised in #3, but the submitter closed it without any reason.


Take a look here.

luarocks install rxi-json-lua

Could the latest release tag 0.1.2 get pushed to luarocks?

@rxi hi, I'm the admin of luarocks.org โ€” I can transfer ownership of rxi-json-lua over to you. To upload the latest version to LuaRocks, you can do the following:

  1. Create an account at luarocks.org

  2. Once you're logged into your account, get an API key at https://luarocks.org/settings/api-keys

  3. Create a rockspec file called rxi-json-lua-0.1.2-1.rockspec (the -1 means the revision of the rockspec itself) with the following contents:

package = "rxi-json-lua"
version = "0.1.2-1"
source = {
   url = "git://github.com/rxi/json.lua",
   tag = "v0.1.2",
description = {
   summary = "A lightweight JSON library for Lua",
   detailed = [[
    - Implemented in pure Lua: works with 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and JIT
    - Fast: generally outperforms other pure Lua JSON implementations (benchmark scripts)
    - Tiny: around 290sloc, 9kb
    - Proper error messages, eg: expected '}' or ',' at line 203 col 30
   homepage = "https://github.com/rxi/json.lua",
   license = "MIT",
dependencies = {
   "lua >= 5.1, < 5.4"
build = {
   type = "builtin",
   modules = {
      ["json"] = "json.lua",
      -- the original uploader renamed the module to "rxi-json-lua".
      -- you might want to keep the line below for compatibility (or not, your call)
      ["rxi-json-lua"] = "json.lua",
  1. Install LuaRocks

  2. Upload the package:

    • luarocks upload --api-key=YOUR_KEY rxi-json-lua-0.1.2-1.rockspec
  3. Ping me (here is fine) with your chosen account username at luarocks.org so I can transfer the package entry in the root luarocks.org repository over to your account