UDP Json request
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I'm Pedro from Spain, a Homebridge enthusiast.
I'v been testing/using this Homebridge plugin:
I'v seen that you were/are some kind of contributor, or at least I'v seen that you have been very active in Homebridge developing.
What I need is, I think, kind of simple: I have an air quality station with:
SDS011 PM25/PM10 dust sensor
DHT22 temperature/humidity/baro sensor
MH-Z19B CO2 sensor
ESP LOLIN V3 nodeMCU controller
So, they'r hardwired and running Easy ESP firmware for controlling them all, and need to link that station to homebridge. One easy way is using UDP packets, but the plugin I link to you only creates temp/humidity sensors in homebridge. I need it to create temp/humidity/barometric/CO2/PM25/PM10 sensors.
Would you be so kind modifying the plugin to provide all these 6 accessories?
Thank you SO MUCH in advance