
Azure Storage Browser Prerequisites

Opened this issue · 4 comments

4M0X commented

Dear Ryan,
Thanks for this tool!
I want to implement it, do we need some prerequisites (in addition of enabling static website)?

When I try to use it, I don't hav any listing.

Thanks in advance


has someone solved that problem? ;)

Since the repo owner cannot be bothered to answer, I found it the hard way. You must make your account access level "Container(anonymous read access)". That is because this javascript file, cannot else have the right to list the files under it, without a token and don't worry that is only read access.

You also likely have to enable CORS on your blob storage account, adding your static web hostname to the allow-list with OPTIONS,GET,HEAD methods enabled and x-ms-* as the allowed/exposed headers.

Getting the same behavior, any fix? Access level in the $web container is set to container (anonymous read access) and tried the CORS suggestion but no luck.

Edit: figured it out. Didn't set CORS correctly. Had a trailing slash at the end of the URL, once I took it out it came up.