
Logger library for new (and old) projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Circle CI

Structured logging for your verbose projects.

  • Pino
  • Hapi Plugin
  • Global default

Basic usage

Works as both a service worker logger or a Hapi plugin - both of which use standardized formatting and redaction configuration. For more details on how to work with Pino, take a look at its documentation or see configuration below for the setup details.


This library has been set up with an array of standard redactions based on current usage. Each app should explicitly append and detail all potential leaks. There are no wildcard defaults because there are large associated performance issues with wildcards, particularly intermediate wildcards. Please do your part in log security to ensure no PHI or secrets are leaked into the logs; defaults provided in the code are append only.


Name Default Description
LOG_LEVEL info Lowest level to log in this order: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal
LOG_ERROR_THRESHOLD error Lowest error to send to error transport
LOG_PRETTY_PRINT none Set to 1 to enable pretty print - this is not json and follows the configuration for prettyPrint docs


  "level": "warn", // any pino default option overrides
  "redact": ['redactKey']

pino options

Pino default overrides per Pino's documentation.


  "pino":  { // pino default overrides that matches Pino's configuration documentation
    "base": {
      "version": "v1.0.2" // adds `version: 'v1.0.2'` to every log
  "instance": customPinoInstance, // optionally, an already configured pino instance,
  "exposeErrors": true

pino (Object)

Pino configuration object per Pino's documentation

instance (pino object)

Already configured pino object

Installation and Usage


For 90% of projects, there will be no configuration needed, the plugin will do all the heavy lifting, and you can use the existing hapi server.log and request.log that you know and love. You can extract the logging instance for injection by server.logger function or the require.logger object - see Hapi Pino docs for details.

const Hapi = require('hapi');
const LogPlugin = require('@pager/logger/lib/plugin');

const server = new Hapi.Server();
await server.register(LogPlugin);

server.log(['info'], { request: 'please log', response: 'hapi logging ^_^' });

    "level": 30,
    "time": 1550778694025,
    "pid": 74042,
    "hostname": "securitys-MacBook-Pro.local",
    "tags": ["info"],
    "data": {
        "request": "please log",
        "response": "hapi logging ^_^"
    "v": 1


// injecting a logger is best practice for most cases, defaulting to singleton is acceptable
const Logger = require('@pager/logger');

module.exports = (logger = Logger) => {

    Logger.info('Worker log');

    // .. worker works ...
    try {
        // do work
    catch (err) {


const Logger = require('@pager/logger/lib/logger');
const MyCustomPrettyPrintLogger = Logger.createLogger({ prettyPrint: { colorize: false } });
MyCustomPrettyPrintLogger.info('pretty print me please');

Accessing Log Streams Directly

Hapi provides several request lifecycle extension points which can be used to access request and response streams directly.

Keep in mind this is highly discouraged for production environments and typically comes at the expense of the app's performance.

For example, if you need access to a more detailed error trace when debugging, you can bypass any redacted fields by attaching directly to the onPreResponse event, eg:

/// Return error and stacktrace along with `500` response as a payload.

// **Do not use this on production environments,**

server.ext('onPreResponse', (request, h) => {

    if (request.response.isBoom && request.response.output.statusCode >= 500) {
        request.response.output.payload.details = {
            message: request.response.message,
            url: request.url.path,
            headers: Hoek.clone(request.raw.req.headers),
            stack: request.response.stack

    return h.continue;

Error handling

Under the hood we are using pino's default error serializer. This means it will add extra keys on the error object if present, and are not already used by one of pino's preset keys (e.g. data, message, type, etc.).

For example, see the custom field context within the error and it's expected log output:

const entity = { id: '6025827b568bb78e64b83ba2' };
const error = new Error('my error title');
error.context = { entityId: entity.id };
/* Prints something like:
    "level": 50,
    "time": 1613070971891,
    "pid": 58541,
    "hostname": "hostMBP",
    "context": {
      "entityId": "6025827b568bb78e64b83ba2"
    "stack": "Error: my error title\n    at /projects/edge-api-cc/test/custom-error.js:19:23\n    at Immediate._onImmediate (/projects/edge-api-cc/node_modules/@hapi/lab/lib/runner.js:661:35)\n    at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:461:21)",
    "type": "Error",
    "data": "my error title"