
DREaM example

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi everyone,

I'm a budding enthusiast in the realm of astronomy data, and I've been working to replicate the DREaM example showcased in your repository. While I've successfully managed to visualize the image and FITS files using fitsmap, I've encountered challenges integrating the catalog (DREaM_main.fits).

To start, I converted the catalog from its FITS format to CSV using astropy. However, when I attempted the conversion using the command you provided, all catalog objects seem to converge to a singular small cell at the corner of the map (7/0), which unfortunately leads to the map crashing.

I suspect this could be related to how the catalog objects are being mapped to the map's coordinates. As a troubleshooting step, I've set the "cat_wcs_fits_file" parameter to reference one of the image FITS files (F184.fits), but without success.

Would you be able to provide guidance or potential solutions to address this issue?

Warm regards,


Hi @cluel01,

Can you share the first few rows of your input catalog, a link the F184 fits file if possible, and the code you are using?



Going to close due to no reply, feel free to open again.